Among the risks that may affect the Company's financial condition, results of operations and cash flows, the high-priority risks that the Directors and Senior Vice Presidents perceive to be of particular importance and require countermeasures are as follows.
Risk Awareness
The Company acquires, manages, and utilizes personal information, including the information of a large number of individual users, in each of our SBUs. We believe it is our obligation not only to comply with the laws of each area and country, but also to respect and protect the privacy of individual users in conformity with the expectations of society.
In the unlikely event of an incident involving personal information, this may not only cause great inconvenience to individual users, but we may suffer from a loss in the value and reputation of our brand and confidence in our services from our individual users. We are also aware that we may be subject to business suspension orders, fines and other sanctions by the authorities, as well as lawsuits filed by individual users or business clients, which could seriously harm the Company's operating results.
For this reason, the Risk Management Committee of Recruit Holdings and the Risk Management Committee of each SBU recognize that data security and data privacy are high-priority risks and continue to implement appropriate measures.
Key Countermeasures
Depending on the importance of the data or information in our possession, as well as the characteristics of the data or information to be protected, we have established structures and reporting systems, and measures necessary for each country and area's laws and regulations. For example, we monitor for unauthorized access, detect and block computer viruses, preserve communications and access records that may be used for investigations, and conduct periodic vulnerability tests.
Countermeasures relevant to International
In order to meet industry requirements with regard to data privacy, we have established standards for responding to the laws and regulations in each jurisdiction, such as the GDPR in Europe, CCPA in the State of California, United States, and others. With regard to data security, we have established reference standards such as NIST, ISOs, and CIS20, according to the business and risk characteristics of each SBU.
Countermeasures relevant to Japan
With regard to data privacy, we have established a “Personal Data Policy” and established a privacy center. With regard to data security, we have established dedicated security departments, such as Recruit-CSIRT, to detect damage at an early stage, implement measures to minimize such damage and prevent data breaches.
The Company is proceeding with the implementation of the above measures upon consideration of the necessity of such measures as well as the order of priority of implementing various measures with respect to each subsidiary within the Company.
For more details, please refer to "The Company may be subject to liability and regulatory action or suffer reputational damage if the Company is unable to maintain the security and the privacy of its data or maintain effective policies and procedures for the storage, management, usage and protection of personal, confidential or sensitive information. " in the "Risks That May Affect the Company's Financial Condition, Results of Operations and Cash Flows" in the Annual Report, translated from Yukashouken Houkokusho for FY2023 and "Data Security and Data Privacy
" in the ESG Data Book.