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ESG Data & Reports

ESG Data

A cover of ESG Date Book 2023

ESG Data Book

The purpose of Recruit Holdings' “ESG Data Book” is to disclose environmental, social and governance (ESG) information mainly for its stakeholders with a great interest in ESG investment. We organize ESG information and data by category for easier reference, and endeavor to share comprehensive ESG information of Recruit Group. Other disclosures below also cover ESG topics.

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ESG Data Book Archives

ESG Data Book (Published on 2024/03/29)pdf download

ESG Data Book (Published on 2024/01/30)pdf download

ESG Data Book (Published on 2023/10/20)pdf download


A cover of Recruit Group Profile 2023 Inside Out

Recruit Group Profile 2023: Inside Out

"Recruit Group Profile: Inside Out" is an annual corporate profile presenting our mid- to long-term management strategy and a comprehensive overview of Recruit Group to a wide range of stakeholders. It contains a collection of stories that illustrate the progress we are making on our commitment to sustainability and highlights how Recruit Group's impact extends from "Inside" the company to "Out" in society.

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Recruit Group Profile 2022: Inside Outpdf download

Recruit Group Profile 2021: Inside Outpdf download

Recruit Group Profile 2020: Inside Outpdf download

Annual Report 2019pdf download

Annual Report 2018pdf download

Annual Report 2017pdf download

Annual Report 2016pdf download

CSR Report 2016pdf download

Business Overview 2015pdf download