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  • Sustainability

Bennett Freeman and Kazuo Tase: Messages from Sustainability Experts about the Sustainability initiatives of Recruit Group

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Bennett Freeman Principal, Bennett Freeman Associates LLC

I have worked at the intersection of governments, international institutions, multinational corporations, responsible investors, and NGOs to promote human rights and sustainable development around the world.
I was pleased to review the Recruit Group Human Rights Policy and was impressed by the company's willingness to consider the perspectives and recommendations of global stakeholders and experts. The newly revised Human Rights Policy demonstrates alignment with international human rights standards. I believe that the Recruit Group's innovative approach, inspired by the idea of "in larger freedom," will enable it to respect and promote human rights at a time of intensifying pressures and expectations for companies around the world.

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Kazuo Tase Senior Partner, Sustainability Promotion Group, Recruit Holdings

Recruit Group's sustainable management is made possible by the Sustainability Orbit - a process in which sustainability initiatives are incorporated into the Group's business management. External stakeholders, our Board of Directors, and our Sustainability Committee periodically meet to discuss current, medium - term, and long - term strategies and actions. Unlike many other companies, sustainability activities are governed by the same stakeholders that manage the Group's business activities. This is possible because the Group's top leaders, Recruit Holdings, and the heads of the three SBUs, strongly prioritize sustainability.

Sep 30, 2020

This article is based on information available at the time of publication.