Recruit Holdings

Corporate Blog

  • DEI

Contributing to building a society where everyone can shine

Diana Magielsen
Managing Director

"Week of the Anonymous CV"

Every company wants to hire the best of the best, but unconscious biases can sometimes prevent qualified candidates from moving forward. A candidate's personal data (like their name, age, gender, and address) can influence recruiters' impressions during the hiring process and even cause them to overlook relevant skills and experience.

Unconscious biases limit the diversity of workforces and perpetuate social prejudices. To help remove these biases in hiring and reduce their negative effects on job seekers and employers, we've instituted the "Week of the Anonymous CV."

For one week, we remove all ages, genders, addresses, dates, and names from the resumes our hiring managers evaluate. The only information that is considered is the candidate's work experience and education, meaning recruiters must judge the candidate on their skills and competencies rather than their perceived suitability for a role based on superficial factors.

Some of our clients opted not to participate, citing the need to evaluate a candidate's holistic profile, but most were intrigued by the plan and happy with the results. We saw a significant jump in job applications and many candidates who had initially struggled to find employment were quickly hired. In fact, this ambitious and unprecedented program was so successful that the three largest municipalities in the Netherlands (Amsterdam, the Hague, and Rotterdam) have decided to incorporate anonymity into their hiring processes.

By removing unconscious biases from hiring and adopting a culture that prioritizes diversity and inclusivity, businesses can attract and employ the most skilled and qualified employees. We're excited to expand this program and continue to support inclusive hiring practices and equal employment opportunities through other unique initiatives.

Partnership with Spartan First

Chandler Macleod Group

Chandler Macleod have a Reconciliation Action Plan* (RAP) in place. As part of their commitment to the RAP, in 2019 Chandler Macleod entered into a partnership with Spartan First, an Indigenous Australian owned and operated full-service occupational healthcare company. Spartan First, which provides services to corporate partners and Government bodies, operates with full respect to the traditions and cultures of Indigenous Australian people and now handles all pre-employment medical evaluations for Chandler Macleod candidates.

* Reconciliation Action Plan: A strategic framework to support organizations' contributions to national reconciliation efforts in Australia. RAPs contain practical actions for various kinds of organizations.

Providing Support for Foreign Candidates

USG People Germany,
Techno Service

USG People Germany and Techno Service provide support for foreign candidates and temporary workers so that they can work comfortably. These include internal recruiters who speak a variety of languages, personal follow-ups after jobs are assigned, and assistance with renting accommodations, translating contracts, and tax filings.

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Recruit Staffing

Recruit Staffing received the Silver award in the PRIDE Index 2019, an evaluation index created by the organization "work with Pride" to evaluate corporate initiatives that support LGBTQ employees.

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Promoting Female Employees

Recruit's Staffing SBU drives diversity throughout the organization globally and works to ensure balanced gender distribution ーas of April 2020, women accounted for 67.2% of all employees and 53% of managerial roles.

In November 2019, Stacey Lane, executive vice president of field operations at Staffmark Group and Jennifer Prospero, CFO at Staffmark Group were named to Staffing Industry Analysts' (SIA) Global Power 150 Women in Staffing list.

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In February 2019, Peoplebank was recognized by Australia's Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) as an Employer of Choice for Gender Equality (EOCGE) for the seventh consecutive year. Peoplebank was one of 140 participants to receive the title in 2019, and was the only recruiting company that qualified.

Supporting Talents with Neurodiversity


Peoplebank is committed to expanding job opportunities for candidates with neurological differences. In neurodiversity, it is considered that people with neurological differences such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or dyslexia promote diverse thinking, benefitting teams, organizations and the wider community.

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To increase neurodiversity in Australia's workforce, Peoplebank, a Chandler Macleod Group company, has partnered with Specialisterne to develop a program that helps candidates with ASD find suitable employment.

Job candidates are placed via a structured four-week assessment and receive training from mental health professionals. All line managers and coworkers are also trained to support the new employees and integrate them into their teams.

So far, the program has placed 35 candidates in full-time technology-related roles across software testing, data science, cybersecurity, and systems monitoring. They report feeling motivated by their new responsibilities.

Helping young people get jobs

Start People from USG People France, and
ASA from USG People the Netherlands

Europe has high youth unemployment rates, which is why Start People from USG People France, and ASA from USG People the Netherlands provide workshops to help young people with social skills, job interviews, job searching, and training.

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Sep 30, 2020

This article is based on information available at the time of publication.