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Intellectual capital for developing Recruit Group's corporate culture and businesses: Capabilities (Media & Solutions case studies)

Optional training programs

Recruit Group has optional training programs to help employees achieve growth by themselves. For example, employees can apply to take courses on logical thinking, marketing, accounting, leadership and other topics, based on their own interests and career plans.


GLOBA is a short in-house seminar. We invite professors from renowned business schools overseas, Silicon Valley investors, and other global players to share insights that employees can incorporate into their work at Recruit Group. Employees can learn about international trends, knowledge from overseas, and the skills and stances of internationally successful individuals. About 800 people attended the seminars in fiscal year 2016.

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Recruit Management Solutions—RMS Academy

Recruit Management Solutions has an educational curriculum for employees who aim to develop their own abilities and shape their careers by increasing their specialization, as well as RMS Academy, in-house classes where employees have opportunities to share their knowledge.

Recruit Management Solutions—Knowledge Grand Prix

Knowledge Grand Prix is a major event held once a year to share knowledge. Any employee can enter the contest. The contestants are screened based on their application materials and judged based on their presentations, and eventually, the Golden Grand Prix winner is selected.

Media School

The Media School is a course for employees who engage in media production and IT engineering for planning and editing various products including websites and magazines. The school covers a broad range of topics, from the basic knowledge needed for media production to new techniques and ways of expanding the imagination. It has also become a platform for sharing successful in-house experiences of creating new trends in society. About 1,350 people attended the school in fiscal year 2016.

Nov 6, 2017

This article is based on information available at the time of publication.