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WORKFIT program(Japanese "Honki no Shushoku" ) held in Vietnam!

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Vietnam is the first country where this program was held outside Japan.

"WORKFIT program"(Japanese "Honki no Shushoku" ), Recruit Holdings' social contribution activity, which has developed from our mission "Realizing a society where all young people can follow their hearts in working" was implemented at UEF (University of Economics and Finance) in Vietnam on February 27, 2016, which was the second opportunity after holding the program at Wall Street English in October 2015. Nga Vuong from RGF HR Agent Vietnam which engages in the business of recruiting service in Vietnam played the role of facilitator again, following the last time. The program lasted 3 hours focusing on practice for interviews, in which 47 students who are about to start job search participated and resulted in a 95.7% satisfaction rating.

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Vietnamese students experiencing the group work

Common issues for young people in Vietnam and Japan

Although there are some differences in social and economic environment between Vietnam and Japan, issues for young people who are in the middle of seeking for jobs are common. One of the issues is a feeling of not being good at self-promotion. "Most Vietnamese young people are shy, having a feeling of being not good at explaining themselves to others. It is not rare that young people are not able to find a job suitable for them and lose the opportunity to work for a long time after graduating from university. Therefore, universities started providing support for them to find jobs more intensively than ever before." (Nga Vuong)

In the WORKFIT program, as one of the elements necessary to follow their hearts in working, participants focus on searching for common aspects (or connection) between their own abilities and the abilities required for working. In the program, after recognizing the "connection" through 3 steps, i.e., (1) listing up their own abilities (which may be used for work), (2) considering the abilities required for working in their desired field, and (3) writing down common elements from (1) and (2), participants will have training to tell interviewers their findings in simple words. By making clear such "connection", participants can improve the contents to tell interviewers, as well as by "talking loudly" and "watching interviewer's eyes while talking" their way of talking also gets better. As a result, their ability for receiving interviews will surprisingly improve in a short time and the motivation toward interviews will increase. 93.6% of the students who participated in the program this time responded and said "Now I feel positive toward interviews."

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Practice "shaking hands." It is not a custom in Japan but means the beginning of communication.

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Materials for the day with which the abilities required for working may be found.

Enabling more people to develop themselves through working and to flourish

Recruit Group has developed its business to support "working" across the world. In the future, we will develop various activities enabling more people to develop themselves through working and to flourish in their communities.

Apr 4, 2016

This article is based on information available at the time of publication.