WORK FIT program at a part-time high school in Tokyo
On this occasion, the students each gave two speeches, one at the beginning and one at the end of the workshop.
After the first speech, students looked back at the points that were raised by the group, marking the points they were happy to hear and the points that surprised them. Then came the second speech. There was a visible change in the students who had spoken without much confidence the first time around. This time they spoke more confidently, making eye contact with the others, having already formed a mutual understanding.
The class teacher noted the students' response to the program:
"In my dealings with them so far, I've seen how the students' attitudes differ according to whether or not they are recognized as individuals.
"Today they were given a chance to communicate something about themselves as individuals. I think the experience of looking back and reflecting deeply about themselves, and then having their peers listen and approve will certainly have boosted their confidence.
"They may be faced with worry and uncertainty, but I want the students to work positively on their chosen path."
After the program, the facilitator Hoshika reflected:
"If I try once more to express in words what WORK FIT is all about, I'd say it's an opportunity to find and regain one's true self, before deciding on a job or occupation. Joining the workshop is a chance for everyone to discover their own strengths. It was great to see the happiness on the faces of so many students after receiving feedback from their peers."
The teacher in charge of the students also added:
"They could recognize their own strengths and personalities and raise their self-esteem thanks to the advice of their peers. I really felt again how WORK FIT demonstrates the value of continuing to believe in each person's potential."
Japan is seeing a declining birthrate and an aging population, leading to a decline in the working population. As the labor shortage has worsened, attention has focused on social advancement for various groups including women, seniors, foreigners, and people with disabilities in order to realize a society where every individual can work in a way that suits them best.
There are also young people who lack interpersonal skills, who don't have confidence in themselves, who cannot find the right job, or who simply don't know where to start in the first place. Bringing these people into the workforce is now a social issue in Japan. WORK FIT is Recruit's attempt to solve it.