Recruit Holdings

Regarding Recruit Group's Response to the Spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Feburary 16, 2022

The spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has dramatically impacted our day-to-day lives, not to mention illnesses and losses of loved ones. Now, many people are unable to go about their lives as usual. At Recruit Group, our hope for individuals and businesses is that they devote themselves to what truly matters to them. This vision, to “Follow Your Heart,” underpins everything we do, and it is why we have worked harder than ever to support those around us in this difficult time.

The safety and health of our customers, business partners, employees and their families is our top priority. We also strive to provide support for urgent issues that are affecting people's daily lives. Furthermore, the world's digital transformation has accelerated in response to the spread of COVID-19, so we are working to ensure our technology solutions are accessible to those in need of help.

Support Activity Examples

(The contents and company names listed below are as of March 31st, 2021.)

Support for Working Individuals and Hiring Companies

Recruit Career Co., Ltd.

On April 16, 2020, Recruit Career Co., Ltd. released a special website titled “Things you should know about working now,” to provide working individuals, job-hunting students and suffering businesses with a wide range information about employment, employment preparation, changing jobs, finding public support, managing HR/recruitment, accommodating various work styles, etc.

On April 22, 2020, Rikunabi Shushoku Agent, our job search support service for students, was extended to the graduating class of 2020. New graduates who have recently had their employment offers rescinded or been laid off can register for the support service via a special COVID-19 response site and receive telephone consultations and introductions to job openings at no charge. Recruit Career Co. Ltd. is also waiving fees for companies interested in hiring.

On April 22, 2020, Recruit Career Co., Ltd. launched a free online “career preparation guidance” service for universities. COVID-19 has forced universities to either cancel or postpone their scheduled on-campus counseling activities for the class of 2022. Recruit Career Co., Ltd. developed this service so that students may obtain necessary guidance about internships and potential future careers virtually. To cater to the needs of individual universities, the service offers both live-streaming and recorded videos.

On May 15, 2020, the Rikunabi Next Job searching information website for professionals began listing job postings that include virtual interviews or allow remote work. Hiring companies can use the recruitment site to find qualified candidates and individuals seeking work can apply to positions that will accommodate working from home and social distancing protocols.

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Recruit Jobs Co., Ltd.

On March 16, 2020, the Townwork online platform for part-time and full-time jobs began featuring job openings for work that could be done from home in order to match struggling businesses with people looking for immediate employment. Many businesses that are on the frontlines of the pandemic, such as supermarkets, convenience stores, healthcare providers, drug stores, transportation providers, and welfare services are experiencing severe labor shortages. Therefore, on May 11, 2020, a trio of recruitment sites including Townwork, Hatalike, which focuses on regional jobs, and Travaille, which focuses on employment opportunities for women, announced a package of support measures to combat the economic effects of Covid-19. Many students rely on part-time work and have suffered from reduced working hours and closings, so Townwork has also issued a special edition booklet catered to students called “Students Welcome.”

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Indeed Inc.

On April 23, 2020, IndeedTo an external site officially released Virtual Hiring Event, a service that job seekers can sign up to attend open virtual interviews hosted by employers looking to hire for a role or set of roles. Indeed provides the technology, which manages RSVPs, screening, scheduling and automated reminders, so all job seekers need to do is show up and interview. For employers, this service makes it possible to conduct all the hiring process online. Adjusting interview dates and reminding applicants is done automatically, which can greatly improve the efficiency of work involved in the hiring process. Development began before the spread of COVID-19 in efforts to make hiring processes more efficient. However, due to stay-at-home and social distancing orders, Indeed decided to accelerate development and release the service early to contribute to the safety and security of job seekers and employers. Indeed also helped over 100 businesses hire essential workers in the state of New York.

Read more:

Creating lasting value out of change: how Virtual Interviewing is redefining the interview process

In addition, in the area of staffing, we are also implementing a variety of initiatives. For example, Recruit Staffing Co., Ltd. supported the introduction of remote work by dispatched staff before COVID-19. When COVID-19 spreads, many corporate clients have inquired about the introduction of remote work, and we are providing support such as creating the contract required for the introduction. Staffmark Group LLC, which provides services in North America, and USG People's companies, which operate in Europe, actively provide FAQs and other useful information through their websites and online seminars to help dispatched staff and corporate clients with their concerns.

Support for Education and Lifestyle Businesses

Recruit Marketing Partners Co., Ltd.

From March 3 to April 30, 2020, in response to the temporary closures of elementary, middle, and high schools, online study service Study Sapuri and teacher-focused education support tool Study Sapuri for TEACHERS were free to use. During that time, the services were used by over 92,000 children in 205 elementary and middle schools across eight municipalities, 115 high schools in Japan, and five Japanese schools in China and Singapore.

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Online learning service QuipperTo an external site has been recognized as the government-recommended online learning service, and is being used in schools in Jakarta, Indonesia, where school closure was ordered following the spread of COVID-19. Specifically, we have been providing QuipperSchool, a platform to support school teachers, as well as QuipperVideo, which offers self-learning content, free of charge through schools beginning March 17, 2020. Meanwhile, for test takers in high schools and universities, as an additional layer of support, besides letting them apply through the school, we are also offering free test preparation packs.

Many colleges and vocational schools have cancelled their spring campus tours, so on May 19, 2020, the Study Sapuri SHINRO information site for prospective students launched Open Campus Stories, a collection of over 12,000 videos of campuses so that students can experience virtual tours. Study Sapuri SHINRO will continue to expand these content offerings, and will soon offer online consultations to support incoming students' needs.

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On April 20, 2020, the free Zexy Wedding Consulting Counter service from our group company Recruit Zexy Navi Co., Ltd. launched a consultation service through LINE*, a social networking app, for wedding venues and resorts across Japan and overseas. The service will help engaged couples prepare for marriage and find wedding venues without visiting a Zexy Wedding Consulting Counter in person.

*LINE is a trademark or registered trademark of LINE Corporation.

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On June 22, 2020, Recruit Marketing Partners Co., Ltd., partnered with 18 wedding venues to establish the "NEW NORMAL for HAPPY WEDDING Declaration," a set of guidelines for creating a smooth, safe, and smile-filled wedding during COVID-19. As of July 15, 2020, 1,542 wedding venues from across the country have shown their support of the declaration. The co-sponsors are working to promote specific measures in support of the declaration so that it can be implemented at ceremony venues across the country.

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On August 3, 2020, wedding information service Zexy began offering one year of free access to an online consultation platform for wedding halls. Wedding halls can use the platform to provide safe and secure service to their customers and streamline business operations. The platform enables seamless and centralized customer and reservation management, database searching, and easy virtual consultations. The launch of the online consultation platform is part of the "NEW NORMAL for HAPPY WEDDING Declaration," in which Zexy commits to supporting clients' wedding preparations in safe and responsible ways.

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On July 1, 2020, Car Sensor, a used car information service, began offering a feature called Instant LIVE that allows customers to virtually consult with car dealerships and salespeople and shop for cars online without needing to physically visit a dealership. Customers can also utilize Instant LIVE’s 360-degree image-viewing function to look at the interior and exterior of cars from any angle at their own convenience, which provides a synergistic effect for easy consultations and high levels of customer satisfaction.

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Recruit Lifestyle Co., Ltd.

On April 15, 2020, the Hot Pepper Gourmet site launched a special page called “Takeout Special Edition” that allows customers to easily search for restaurants offering takeout and helps restaurants recoup lost income.

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On May 1, 2020, to aid those who hope to put their time at home to good use, the travel magazine Jalan released the May editions of five local travel magazines for free on a special site. In addition, on May 7, 2020, Jalan also began offering free online study videos to advise hotels on customer service procedures in light of mass cancellations. The videos also include tutorials to help customer service representatives practice and improve skills from home, while they wait for work to resume.

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On June 24, 2020, the travel website "" modified the structure of its listings to include information about the prevention of COVID-19 infection. On the basic information page for each accommodation, customers can now view a "Measures taken to prevent COVID-19 infection" section, which outlines the facility’s efforts to combat COVID-19. In addition, Jalan created 27 different pictograms that facilities can display at accommodations and publish online. These pictograms illustrate various initiatives such as the installation of disinfectants and the provision of meals in private rooms so that guests can quickly and easily understand and cooperate with safety practices.

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On June 16, 2020, the beauty research organization Hot Pepper Beauty Academy began posting a series of articles that provide tips on how to run a beauty salon business during the pandemic. The articles introduce the results of various surveys and case studies to inform day-to-day management practices.

Recruit Sumai Company Ltd.

On May 15, 2020, custom house building and estate searching site SUUMO launched a special page designed to provide support for construction companies and people considering custom-built homes. The service lists construction companies that offer online consultations so that prospective homeowners can gather the information they need to decide whether to move forward with their housing projects.

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Since many people have lost sources of income or are facing financial insecurity, on May 20, 2020, SUUMO published a special article "Summary of Assistance You Should Know Due to COVID-19 Impact," detailing ways people can get support for their housing expenses. At the same time, SUUMO Journal launched a new section "How to face COVID-19?" featuring information on relief measures for various problems such as difficulty paying mortgages and rents, delayed construction, and ways to be productive at home.

Recruit Co., Ltd.

Air BusinessTools, a suite of operational and management support SaaS solutions, began providing following information and services to all business owners who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The POS cash register app AirREGI is offering a summary of support measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic with useful information for business owners, including up-to-date information about the types of available support measures rolled out by the national and local governments, how to become a recipient of this support, and the kinds of available grants and subsidies. The registration management app AirWAIT is sharing examples of countermeasures to take against spreading the coronavirus that can be utilized in stores, facilities, and hospitals to avoid the trio of “close contact, closed spaces, and crowds”. The list includes advice such as conducting online registration and setting a limit for the maximum number of registered visitors allowed.

On July 30, 2020, food service order entry system AirREGI HANDY began offering a SELF ORDER option that allows customers to easily place orders at any time from their smartphones simply by scanning a QR code* presented by the store. There is no need to download a special app or register an account in advance. The new service helps keep restaurants safe by reducing the risk of infection from face-to-face ordering and menu handling. It also allows staff to focus more on cooking and serving customers. *QR code is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.

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Air BusinessTools also facilitates contactless payment via AirPAY, a payment service that allows stores to receive payment by card, electronic money, QR codes, and points. It also contains AirRESERVE, an online service that simplifies reservation management and helps restaurants manage take-out orders and schools organize reservations, as well as many other services that help business owners respond to the abrupt changes brought about by COVID-19. Moving forward, Air BusinessTools will continue to support and assist stores in adjusting to this “new normal.”

On April 13, 2020, the pet support service PET'S ALL RIGHT began waiving consultation fees to help people whose pets have fallen ill and can't access their normal veterinarians due to stay-at-home mandates. Born from Recruit Group's internal new business proposal system Ring, PET'S ALL RIGHT offers 24-hour support to pet owners in need of expert help.

Donation Activities

In February 2020, to support patients with COVID-19 in China, we donated 2.5 million yen via the Japanese Embassy in China.

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On April 2, 2020, we donated $500,000 to the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund, which was jointly launched by the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Foundation, and Swiss Philanthropy Foundation to aid countries' response to the COVID-19 pandemic, in response to the ongoing worldwide spread of COVID-19.

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About our support activities (Employee Interviews)

Read on to learn about the background of our supporting efforts in Japan and overseas, as well as the employees who make these activities happen.


Open Campus Stories

Learn more about Recruit's contributions to virtual campus tours. How did Recruit help students experience campus safely during the pandemic? -Recruit Marketing Partners Co., Ltd.

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Zexy Wedding Consulting Counter

Zexy provides first-class care for a couple’s special day. Discover the idea behind the launch of Zexy's online consultation service. -Recruit Marketing Partners Co., Ltd.

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Rikunabi FaceMovie

This service helps new grads learn more about potential employers and provides online strategy sessions for success in the job market. -Recruit Career Co., Ltd.

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Virtual Hiring Event

Virtual Hiring Event by Indeed is redefining the hiring process, and making hiring simpler, faster, and more fair. -Indeed

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In-house Prevention and Control Efforts

Our priority is to ensure the safety of our employees and prevent the spread of infection both internally and externally in our business activities. In Japan, since the introduction of the free address system in 2015 to expand telecommuting to all employees, we have developed an environment that supports telecommuting through the introduction of business chat and virtual desktops (VDI). In response to the spread of COVID-19, starting in February 2020, we encouraged all employees to begin telecommuting. Furthermore, in response to the declaration of a state of emergency by the national government on April 7, 2020 and the subsequent declarations of a state of emergency by local governments, until May 25, all employees worked from home (or they were required to stay home in the case where they were unable to work from home) and were prohibited from traveling in all target areas. In 2021, we continue to prohibit business travel in principle and strongly encourage telecommuting, depending on the areas subject to the state of emergency and the priority measures to prevent the spread of disease. The national average telecommuting rate for Recruit Co., Ltd. in January 2022 was approximately 81%. At each of our global sites, we are ensuring that employees work from home and have safe working environments in accordance with local regulations.