Recruit Holdings

Investor Relations

Market Research Data

Within Recruit Group there are a number of research organizations which are dedicated to examining areas within which the Recruit Group operates businesses. Their research ranges from fields related to life stages, such as employment, housing & real estate, and bridal to fields related to life experiences, such as beauty, travel and dining. All of the research is available for the purpose of educating and benefiting society.

Major research institutes

HR Technology SBU

Indeed Hiring Lab

Indeed Hiring Lab

An international team of economists and researchers whose insights drive the global labor market conversation.

Glassdoor Economic Research

Glassdoor Economic Research

Provides the latest insights and research on today's labor market such as important trends in hiring, pay and the broader economy all based on Glassdoor's unique data.

Matching & Solutions SBU

SUUMO Research Center (Japanese)

SUUMO Research Center (Japanese)

Connects residents' point of view, business operators' experience and knowledge of the housing industry with technology to deliver the latest trends.

Recruit Bridal Research (Japanese)

Recruit Bridal Research (Japanese)

Aims to expand the bridal market and solve social issues through the research and study of weddings and marriage.

Jalan Research Center (Japanese)

Jalan Research Center (Japanese)

Aims to contribute to the tourism industry and local economies within Japan through the research and study of domestic travel.

HotPepper Gourmet Research (Japanese)

HotPepper Gourmet Research (Japanese)

Through unique research and analysis, contributes to the evolution and development of the dining market.

HotPepper Beauty Research (Japanese)

HotPepper Beauty Research (Japanese)

Provides opportunities for learning and research studies for the benefit of the beauty industry and its future.

Jobs Research Center (Japanese)

Jobs Research Center (Japanese)

A research and study institute examining the "now" and "future" of work in Japan, sharing research with a focus on work styles.

Recruit Works Research (Japanese)

Recruit Works Research (Japanese)

Conducts and shares research and policy proposals about career growth, the human resource function, and the labor market.

Recruit Shingaku Soken (Japanese)

Recruit Shingaku Soken (Japanese)

An information site about education choices for high school students, their parents, and others that examines the path from education to career including vocational education, junior colleges and universities.

Shushoku Mirai Institute (Japanese)

Shushoku Mirai Institute (Japanese)

A research institute which studies the "nownow" and "future" of employment in the pursuit of better employment and hiring.

Institute for Organizational Behavior Research (Japanese)

Institute for Organizational Behavior Research (Japanese)

An R&D institute which executes research and delivers information about organization/HR management based on theories and experience.