Recruit Holdings

Investor Relations

Stock Information

General Stock Information

Stock Code 6098
Stock Exchange Registration Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Section
Fiscal year From Apr. 1 to Mar. 31 of the next year
Base Date Dividend Payout Interim dividend record date: September 30 Year-end dividend record date: March 31
Number of Shares Constituting One Trading Unit 100 shares
Annual Meeting of Shareholders Every year in June
Administrator of Shareholder Registry Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Share Handling Policy Share Handling Policy (150KB)PDF
Reporting Method

Electronic public notice

*However, in the event we are unable to issue an electronic public notice due to an accident or other unavoidable reason, such notices will be published in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Nikkei).

State of Shares and Shareholders

(As of Sep. 30,2024)

Number of Shares Authorized 6,000,000,000 Shares
Total Number of Shares Issued 1,649,841,949 Shares

(As of Sep. 30,2024)

Number of Shareholders 53,696 Persons

Main Shareholders

(As of Sep. 30,2024)

Name Number of shares owned(Thousands) Shareholding ratio(%)
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust account) 277,645 17.82
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust account) 109,027 6.99
(Standing proxy: Settlement & Clearing Services Department, Mizuho Bank, Ltd.)
65,856 4.22
(Standing proxy: Settlement & Clearing Services Department, Mizuho Bank, Ltd.)
63,422 4.07
(Standing proxy: Settlement & Clearing Services Department, Mizuho Bank, Ltd.)
30,007 1.92
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (ESOP Trust account 76826) 28,852 1.85
Nippon Television Network Corporation 25,500 1.63
(Standing proxy:MUFG Bank, Ltd.)
24,658 1.58
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd.
(ESOP Trust account 76576)
23,745 1.52
(Standing proxy:Citibank, N.A., Tokyo Branch)
21,823 1.40
Total 670,535 43.03

*1 The Company’s treasury stock (91,817,161 shares) is excluded in the calculation of the shareholding ratio. Treasury stock does not include the Company’s stock held by the Board Incentive Plan trust (2,873,714 shares) and the equity-settled ESOP trust (65,226,955 shares).

*2 A Report of the Report of Large Volume Holding that was made available for public inspection on May 11, 2020 reports that Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Asset Management Co., Ltd. and its joint holder Nikko Asset management Co., Ltd. hold shares as given below as of April 30, 2020. However, their holdings are not reflected in the status of major shareholders above since the Company was not able to confirm beneficial ownership or the number of shares held as of September 30,2024.

Overview of the Report of Large Volume Holding mentioned above is as follows.

Name Number of shares owned(Thousands) Shareholding ratio(%)
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Asset Management Co., Ltd. 48,135 2.84
Nikko Asset Management Co., Ltd. 37,486 2.21
Total 85,622 5.05

*3 A change report of the Report of Large Volume Holding that was made available for public inspection on July 21, 2020 reports that Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. and its joint holders NOMURA INTERNATIONAL PLC and Nomura Asset Management Co., Ltd. hold shares as given below as of July 15, 2020. However, their holdings are not reflected in the status of major shareholders above since the Company was not able to confirm beneficial ownership or the number of shares held as of September 30,2024.

Overview of the change report is as follows.

Name Number of shares owned(Thousands) Shareholding ratio(%)
Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. 2,572 0.15
Nomura Asset Management Co., Ltd. 83,182 4.90
Total 87,567 5.16

*4 A change report of the Report of Large Volume Holding that was made available for public inspection on August 4, 2022 reports that BlackRock Japan Co., Ltd. and its joint holders BlackRock Advisers, LLC, BlackRock Investment Management LLC, BlackRock (Netherlands) BV, BlackRock Fund ManagersLimited, BlackRock Asset Management Ireland Limited, BlackRock Fund Advisors, BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, N.A., and BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited hold shares as given below as of July 29, 2022. However, their holdings are not reflected in the status of major shareholders above since the Company was not able to confirm beneficial ownership or the number of shares held as of September 30,2024.

Overview of the change report is as follows.

Name Number of shares owned(Thousands) Shareholding ratio(%)
BlackRock Japan Co., Ltd. 28,939 1.71
BlackRock Advisers, LLC 4,827 0.28
BlackRock Investment
Management LLC
2,724 0.16
BlackRock (Netherlands) BV 4,513 0.27
BlackRock Fund Managers
3,627 0.21
BlackRock Asset Management
Ireland Limited
10,341 0.61
BlackRock Fund Advisors 23,920 1.41
BlackRock Institutional Trust
Company, N.A.
21,603 1.27
BlackRock Investment
Management (UK) Limited
2,278 0.13
Total 102,776 6.06

*5 A change report of the Report of Large Volume Holding that was made available for public inspection on August 22, 2024 reports that Capital Research and Management Company and its joint holder Capital International Inc. hold shares as given below as of August 15, 2024. However, their holdings are not reflected in the status of major shareholders above since the Company was not able to confirm beneficial ownership or the number of shares held as of September 30,2024.

Overview of the change report is as follows.

Name Number of shares owned(Thousands) Shareholding ratio(%)
Capital Research and
Management Company
83,616 5.07
Capital International Inc. 2,257 0.14
Total 85,874 5.21

Classification by Type of Shareholder

(As of Sep. 30,2024)

Stock information
Category Number of shares Ratio of shares owned
Financial institutions 535,250,450 Shares 32.44%
Financial instrument dealers 17,366,914 Shares 1.05%
Other corporations 109,147,367 Shares 6.62%
Foreign financial institutions and individuals 739,107,539 Shares 44.80%
Individuals, etc. 157,152,518 Shares 9.53%
Treasury stock 91,817,161 Shares 5.57%

Shareholder procedures

Regarding any procedures related to shares, such as changes of address or name, how to receive dividends, or request for the purchase of shares less than one unit, please contact the securities company where you have opened your account.

Shareholder registry administrator Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Contact Corporate Agency Division
Tel: 0120-232-711 (toll free)
Reception hours: 9 a.m to 5 p.m (excluding weekends and holidays) (Japanese only)