
  • IR

Notification of Dividends from Surplus (Dividend Increase)

May 12, 2017

Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd. (the "Company") hereby announces that its Board of Directors has resolved today on dividends from surplus for which the record date is March 31, 2017, as follows.

1. Details of Dividends

Amount resolved Previous dividend forecast (announced on February 13, 2017) Dividends paid for the previous fiscal year (year ended March, 31, 2016)
Record date March 31, 2017 March 31, 2017 March 31, 2016
Dividends per share 65.00 yen 60.00 yen 50.00 yen
Total dividends 36,213 million yen 28,236 million yen
Effective date June 21, 2017 June 22, 2016
Source of dividends Retained earnings Retained earnings


The Company believes that sustainable profit growth and prioritizing strategic investments which lead to an increase in our enterprise value will be the main driver of shareholder value. The Company also considers the return of capital to our shareholders to be an important part of our management policy. Our core dividend policy is to provide stable and sustainable dividend payments to shareholders based on a comprehensive evaluation of our results of operations, expanding the internal reserves that we expect to need for growth investments in the future and our ability to establish a stable financial foundation.

Accordingly, while the Company had previously set a target for the dividend payouts of approximately 25% of consolidated net income prior to amortization of goodwill (Note), the Company has changed the dividend payouts, as announced in its release dated February 13, 2017 titled "Notification of Revision of Dividend Forecast (Dividend Increase)," to "approximately 30% of consolidated net income prior to amortization of goodwill, excluding the effects of extraordinary items etc.," in our effort to further enhance return of capital to shareholders.

Based on the dividend policy mentioned above, the Company will pay a year-end dividend of 65 yen per share for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2017, an increase of 5 yen per share from the previous dividend forecast (an increase of 15 yen per share year on year), taking into factors including consolidated financial conditions and full-year consolidated financial results.

(Note) Consolidated net income prior to amortization of goodwill: consolidated net income attributable to owners of the parent + amortization of goodwill


(Reference) Breakdown of dividends per share

Dividends per share (yen)
First quarter-end Second quarter-end Third quarter-end Year-end Total
Dividends paid for the current fiscal year (year ended March 31, 2017) 0.00 65.00 65.00
Dividends paid for the previous fiscal year (year ended March, 31, 2016) 0.00 50.00 50.00

Notification of Dividends from Surplus (Dividend Increase) (38 KB)pdf download