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Recruit Holdings Announces Determination of Terms of Stock Options (Stock Acquisition Rights)

July 31, 2019

TOKYO, JAPAN (July 31, 2019) - Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd. (TSE: 6098) (the "Company") announced today that the undetermined items regarding the stock acquisition rights as stock options (Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd. Series 4 Stock Acquisition Rights) for Board Directors (excluding External Board Directors; the same applies hereinafter) and Corporate Executive Officers that were resolved at its Board of Directors meeting held on July 16, 2019 have been determined as follows.

1. Total number of stock acquisition rights

4,349 stock acquisition rights (number of shares to be acquired upon exercise of one stock acquisition right shall be 100 shares)

2. Persons to whom the stock acquisition rights to be allotted and number of those persons, and number of the stock acquisition rights to be allotted

Company's Board Directors
5 persons 3,190 stock acquisition rights

Company's Corporate Executive Officers (shikko-yakuin)
6 persons 1,159 stock acquisition rights

3. Amount of assets to be contributed upon exercise of the stock acquisition rights

371,800 yen per stock acquisition right (3,718 yen per share)

Recruit Holdings Announces Determination of Terms of Stock Options (Stock Acquisition Rights) (476 KB)pdf download