Recruit Holdings


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Recruit Holdings Announces Changes in Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Feb 14, 2020

TOKYO, JAPAN (February 14, 2020) - Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd. (TSE 6098) ("Recruit Holdings" or the "Company") announced today changes in its Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members. These changes are subject to the approval at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders scheduled in June 2020.

1. Purpose of the Change

The Company has decided to make changes to its Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members to further strengthen the management and supervision of overall business operations to enhance enterprise value.

Ayano Senaha, currently a corporate executive officer of the Company overseeing its corporate planning, human resources, communications and sustainability, has been elected to the Board Director to further enhance corporate governance of Recruit Group. She has played a major role in the rapid globalization of the group by leading and contributing to several post-merger integrations, and developed corporate governance structure which ensures the balance of business strategies and risk management.

Yoichiro Ogawa, based on his international accounting background and CEO experience of global accounting firm and Katsuya Natori, based on his extensive and in-depth knowledge of corporate legal matters, have been elected to the Audit & Supervisory Board Members.

Shogo Ikeuchi, the Chief HR Officer and has been a Board Director of the Company, and Keiichi Sagawa, the CFO and has been a Board Director of the Company, will retire at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders scheduled in June 2020.

Masumi Minegishi, President and CEO as well as the chairman of the board of the Company said "on behalf of the Company's Board of Directors and all the employees, I would like to thank both of them for their long-time dedication and numerous contribution to the Company. It was truly an honorable opportunity for us to work with those exceptional talents: Shogo for bringing in his experience and knowledge of corporate planning, human resources, international business management, research and development, and Keiichi for bringing in his experience and knowledge of Accounting, Finance, Legal Affairs, Corporate Communication and Business Management.

Finally, as for the retirement in the Audit & Supervisory Board, Hiroki Inoue and Yasuaki Nishiura, current Audit & Supervisory Board Members of the Company, will retire at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders scheduled in June 2020.

Masumi added "with their tremendous contributions to the Company, I would like to express our gratitude to both of them for supervising overall business operations to enhance enterprise value: Hiroki with his insightful legal knowledge as a lawyer and his experience in business practice and Yasuaki with his profound accounting knowledge as a certified public accountant in the United States and as a business adviser based in Silicon Valley.

2. Change in Board of Directors

Candidate for New Board Director

Name Current Position(s) (as of February 2020)
Ayano Senaha Corporate Executive Officer (Corporate Planning, Sustainability & PR, Human Resources)
RGF OHR USA, Inc. Director
Glassdoor, Inc. Director

Career Summary of Candidate for New Board Director

Name / Date of Birth Career Summary
Ayano Senaha
(Dec. 5, 1982)
Apr. 2006   Joined Recruit Co., Ltd. (current Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd.)
Jan. 2013   Advantage Resourcing UK Ltd. Director
                   Advantage XPO Ltd. Director
Jan. 2014   Advantage Group Ltd. Managing Director
                   Advantage Professional UK Ltd. Managing Director
                   Advantage XPO Ltd. Director
Jul. 2015    Executive Manager of the R&D Business Development
                   Office, Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd.
Apr. 2016   Executive Manager of the Talent Management Office
Jan. 2018   Executive Manager of the Corporate Planning Office
                   Executive Manager of the Talent Management Office
                   Indeed Inc. Chief of Staff
Jan. 2018   RGF OHR USA, Inc. Director (current position)
Apr. 2018   Corporate Executive Officer (current position)
Jan. 2020   Glassdoor, Inc. Director (current position)

Board Directors Scheduled to Retire (to be resolved at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders scheduled in June 2020.)

Name Position (as of February 2020)
Shogo Ikeuchi Board Director
Keiichi Sagawa Board Director

3. Change in Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Candidate for New Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Name Position
Yoichiro Ogawa Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Katsuya Natori Audit & Supervisory Board Member

Career Summary of Candidate for Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Name / Date of Birth Career Summary
Yoichiro Ogawa
(Feb.19, 1956)
Oct. 1980   Joined Tohmatsu & Aoki Audit Corporation
                    (currently Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC)
Mar. 1984   Registered as a Certified Public Accountant
Oct. 1985   Deloitte Nashville office
Feb. 1987   Deloitte San Jose office
Jun. 1993   Promoted to a partner
Jul. 1999   Deloitte New York Office
Jun. 2007   A member of the Management Committee of Tohmatsu & Aoki Audit
                    Corporation (currently Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC)
Jun. 2007   A member of the Board of Directors,
                    Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited
Jun. 2011   Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors,
                    Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited
Oct. 2013   Deputy CEO, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC
Jun. 2015   Representative,
                    Asia Pacific Region of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited
Jul. 2015   CEO, Deloitte Tohmatsu Group
Oct. 2018   Retired Deloitte Tohmatsu Group
Nov. 2018   Yoichiro Ogawa CPA Office (current position)
Katsuya Natori
(May.15, 1959)
Apr. 1986   Joined Masuda Ejiri Law Office (currently Nishimura & Asahi)
Jun. 1990   Joined Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
Jul. 1992   Joined Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering
Jul. 1993   Joined Esso Petroleum Corporation
                    (currently JXTG Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation)
Jan. 1995   Joined Apple Computer Co., Ltd. (currently Apple Japan, Inc.)
Jan. 1998   Director, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
                    (currently Oracle Information Systems (Japan) G.K.)
Mar. 2002   Executive Officer, Fast Retailing Co., Ltd.
Jan. 2004   Director and Executive Officer, IBM Japan, Ltd.
Apr. 2010   Executive Officer, IBM Japan, Ltd.
Feb. 2012   Chief, Natori Law Office (current position)
Apr. 2012   Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member, Olympus Corporation
Mar. 2015   Director, MODEC, INC. (current position)
Apr. 2016   Supervisory Director, Global One Real Estate Investment Corp.
                    (current position)
Jun. 2019   Director, Olympus (current position)

Audit & Supervisory Board Members Scheduled to Retire (to be resolved at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders scheduled in June 2020.)

Name Position (as of February 2020)
Hiroki Inoue Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Yasuaki Nishiura Audit & Supervisory Board Member

For Reference
Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members (to be resolved at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders scheduled in June 2020 and the Board of Directors meeting held thereafter.)

Name Position
Masumi Minegishi Representative Director
Hisayuki Idekoba Board Director
Ayano Senaha Board Director
Rony Kahan Board Director
Naoki Izumiya External Board Director
Hiroki Totoki External Board Director
Yukiko Nagashima Audit & Supervisory Board Member (standing)
Akihito Fujiwara Audit & Supervisory Board Member (standing)
Yoichiro Ogawa Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Katsuya Natori Audit & Supervisory Board Member

For the related FAQ, please refer to below:
"FAQ's for Q3 FY2019" (120 KB)pdf download

Recruit Holdings Announces Changes in Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members (133 KB)pdf download