Recruit Holdings


  • Notifications

Recruit Holdings To Open Japan Locations for COVID-19 Vaccination for Employees and Their Families

June 15, 2021

In response to the Japanese government‘s announcement of its plan to begin workplace immunization against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), Recruit Holdings will begin vaccination of about 180,000 people, mainly at its group companies in Japan.


  • Commencement: COVID-19 vaccinations will become available after June 21, 2021 (Monday), subject to preparations being in place.

  • Immunization Locations: Recruit Group vaccination sites will be available in nine regions throughout Japan, using both group company and external facilities.

  • Eligibility: People from the following groups who wish to be vaccinated are eligible.
    ・Employees of Recruit Group companies in Japan* and their families
    ・Temporary staff working at Recruit Group companies in Japan
    ・Temporary and contract employees who have employment contracts with Japan staffing companies run by our group (Recruit Staffing Co., Ltd., companies within Staff Service Holdings Co., Ltd.)

*Recruit Co., Ltd, Recruit Staffing Co. Ltd., Staff Service Holdings Co., Ltd., Indeed Japan KK and their subsidiaries

Recruit Group is taking these steps to provide employees with a work environment that gives them peace of mind, and to help end the spread of COVID-19 infections in Japan as soon as possible.