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Status of Share Repurchases

Sep 2, 2024

TOKYO, JAPAN (September 2, 2024) – Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd. (TSE: 6098) announced the status of the share repurchases resolved at a meeting of the Board of Directors held on July 9, 2024.

Total number of shares repurchased from August 1, 2024 to August 31, 2024 (execution date basis)

Types of shares  Common stock of Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd.
Total number of shares repurchased 6,153,500 shares
Total purchase price 51,297,572,500 yen
Method of repurchases Market purchases on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc.
through an appointed securities dealer with transaction discretion

Details of the repurchase resolved by the Board of Directors on July 9, 2024

Types of shares Common stock of Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd.
Total number of shares to be repurchased 87,000,000 shares (maximum)
(up to 5.67% of total number of shares issued and
outstanding (excludes treasury stock1))
Total purchase price 600 billion yen (maximum)
Period From July 10, 2024 to July 9, 2025
Method of repurchases (1) Market purchases on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. through an appointed
securities dealer with transaction discretion
(2) Purchases through Off-Auction Own Share Repurchase Trading System

1 It includes the shares held in the Board Incentive Plan (“BIP”) trust and the shares held in the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (“ESOP”) trust.

Total number of shares repurchased from July 10, 2024 to August 31, 2024 (execution date basis)

Total number of shares repurchased 18,657,100 shares (21.44% of upper limit)
Total purchase price 164,592,248,700 yen (27.43% of upper limit)