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Content Management Terms


Thank you for viewing the official content managed by Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd. ("Operator") (including content managed by the Operator on social networking services (SNS) operated by a third party, hereinafter the "Content").

The Operator has established the following Content Management Terms to better communication with members of the public. The Content Management Terms apply to members of the public ("Users") who access SNS at the point in time Users access the SNS, and Users can only indicate disagreement with the Content Management Terms by not using the Content.

If you do not agree with the Content Management Terms, we ask that you refrain from using the Content.

Prohibited Matters

The following conduct involving the Content is prohibited ("Prohibited Conduct"). When the Operator judges that conducts falls under or is likely to fall under Prohibited Conduct, the Operator may respond as it deems appropriate, without notifying the poster in advance, by for example, deleting the post (including but not limited to comments, photographs, audio, images, and videos, hereinafter "Posts"), refusing to receive messages, blocking the account, or reporting the Content to the company that operates the external SNS if the Content is included in a social networking service operated by a third party ("External SNS"). However, the Operator is not obliged to take such action and may decide how to respond at its discretion.

  • Acts that infringe copyrights or other intellectual property rights belonging to the Operator, other Users, or other third parties;

  • Acts that infringe the privacy of the Operator, other Users, or other third parties;

  • Acts involving sending or disclosing (including but not limited to reproducing and posting) personal information (including but not limited to email addresses, addresses, telephone numbers, and other private information) to other Users or third parties without prior permission from the individual concerned;

  • Acts involving sending and disclosing (including but not limited to reproducing and posting) to other Users or third parties, or falsifying copyrighted works of the Operator, other Users and third parties without prior permission from the company or owner of the work;

  • Acts that disrupt or damage the operation of this Page due to viruses, hacking, or spam, or the like;

  • Acts involving threats, defamation, discrimination, political or religious activities, or similar acts;

  • Acts that induce or encourage rudeness, cruelty, or crimes;

  • Acts involving sending or disclosing (including but not limited to reproducing and posting) information that deviates from the purpose of the Content such as obscene images, audio, or writing;

  • Acts involving the use of this Page using personal information such as a third party's name or a fictitious name or address;

  • Any acts conducted for profit purposes such as solicitation or sales activities (including but not limited to links to affiliate websites or websites for sales purposes);

  • Acts displaying any kind of advertising banners or link exchange;

  • Acts that violate public order and morals, criminal acts, or acts closely related thereto;

  • Acts that violate laws or regulations or acts closely related thereto; or

  • Other acts that the Operator judges violate the purpose of the Content.

Information Transmission and Responses

  • Content Posts may be updated at any time at the Operator's discretion.

  • Users shall submit Posts and messages in line with the terms of use and specifications set by the Content and the External SNS if the Content is included in External SNS.

  • The Operator may not always reply to Content Posts. Please contact the Operator with any questions or opinions as explained below.

Temporary Suspension, Changes and Discontinuation of Content

  • The Operator may temporarily suspend the Content without prior notice or approval:

    • When conducting system maintenance or alterations;

    • When natural disasters or other abnormal circumstances occur or are likely to occur and it will be difficult to manage this Page; or

    • When otherwise deemed necessary or unavoidable by the Operator.

  • The Content services, information, or URLs may change or be discontinued without prior notice.

  • In no way shall the Operator be held liable in the event of any damage incurred due to viruses that cannot be blocked by standard anti-virus software or natural disasters, or any other damage incurred due to reasons that are not attributable to the Operator ("Force Majeure"). The Operator makes no warranty that the data on this Page will not be deleted or altered as a result of such Force Majeure, and Users are responsible for saving such data as necessary.


  • The Operator makes no warranties as to the correctness, integrity, suitability for purpose, usability, or legality of information in the Content. Users use the Page on their own responsibility.

  • The Operator makes no warranties that the information provided in the Content is free of harmful components such as computer viruses.

  • Upon submitting a Post to the Content, Users permit the Operator the right to use Post content (including but not limited to processing, quoting, reproducing, publishing, and rights prescribed in Article 27 and Article 28 of the Copyright Act), at its discretion, free of charge, throughout the world, and Users agree not to exercise moral right of author against the Operator or a party the Operator allows to use the Post.

  • The Operator shall in no way be liable, unless due to misconduct by the Operator, for any damage (including but not limited to trouble between Users, psychological distress, injury, or financial losses) incurred as a result of use by Users of the Content (including the provision of information by the Operator or a third party incidental to such use) or other services provided by third party able to access Users via the Content. If the Operator is liable, such liability shall be limited to direct and ordinary damage unless there is intent or gross misconduct on the part of the Operator.

  • The Operator may aggregate and analyze Users' activities of the Content, create statistical data or attribute data, etc. processed so as not to be able to identify an individual, and use such statistical data without any restrictions (including but not limited to in proposals to corporations, market research, and the development of new services).

Elimination of Anti-social Forces

The Operator and Users manifest that they do not currently correspond to an organized crime group, an organized crime group member, or a party for whom five (5) years has not yet elapsed since ceasing to be an organized crime group member, a non-regular member of an organized crime group, a company closely related to an organized crime group, a corporate racketeer, etc., a rogue acting in the name of a social movement, or a special intelligence crime group, etc., or any other party pursuant to such groups, etc. (collectively "Organized Crime Group Members, etc."), and that they do not correspond to any of the following items, and pledge that they shall not correspond thereto at any time in the future:

  • A party having relations that are acknowledged as Organized Crime Group Members, etc. controlling management;

  • A party having relations that are acknowledged as Organized Crime Group Members, etc. having a substantial involvement in management;

  • A party having relations that are acknowledged as inappropriately using Organized Crime Group Members, etc. such as for the purpose of procuring unjust gain for themselves, their company or a third party, or for the purpose of causing a third party to sustain damages;

  • A party having relations that are acknowledged as providing funds, etc. or are involved in providing favors to Organized Crime Group Members, etc.; or

  • A party whose officers or parties with substantial involvement in management have a relationship with Organized Crime Group Members, etc. that is socially reprehensible.

The Operator and Users pledge not to engage in conduct corresponding to the any of the following items themselves or through a third party:

  • Violent requests;

  • Unjust requests exceeding legal obligations;

  • Acts which damage the other parties' credibility or acts which hinder the other parties' operations by spreading false information or using fraud or power;

  • Acts that violate or are likely to violate laws and regulations or public order and morals;

  • Other acts similar to each of the preceding items.

When the manifestations provided for in the preceding 2 paragraphs are violated and the other party is discovered to be an Organized Crime Group Member, etc. or to fall under any of the items provided for in the preceding 2 paragraphs, the Operator and Users may cancel all agreements based on the Content and the Content Management Terms, without giving any warning whatsoever, and the other party shall not object to such cancellation. In such case, the violating party shall forfeit benefit of time and immediately settle any debts to the other party.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

  • The interpretation and application of the Content and the Content Management Terms is governed and construed under the laws of Japan.

  • The Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive agreed court with jurisdiction in the first instance for all disputes relating to the Content.

Content Management

Operator: Communication Planning Group, PR, Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd.
Please check
the Contact Us page before contacting Recruit Holdings with any questions or inquiries regarding our services.

Established and implemented on February 8, 2019