Sustainability Management
The Sustainability Orbit
The Sustainability Orbit illustrates the "Sustainability Management" framework by which Recruit Group engages with various stakeholders to strengthen our corporate values.
The department in charge of sustainability engages with external stakeholders and organizes communication activities with management and employees to increase dialogue and promote open discussion of both sides' needs and expectations. The department also participates in international conferences to capture global trends in sustainability. These insights are discussed in depth by the Sustainability Committee - the Committee consists of external sustainability experts and Recruit Group executives and board members. Following each committee meeting, Recruit Holdings' Board of Directors approves the agenda items and begins to execute them in line with our guiding principles. We believe this process leads to the realization of Recruit's basic principle to "create a brighter world where all individuals can live life to the fullest."

The Sustainability Issue Analysis Map
To maintain our "Sustainability Orbit" and realize our management philosophy, we must identify notable sustainability issues, prepare appropriate responses at an early stage and incorporate action plans into our corporate strategies.
We use an original framework called the "Recruit Group Sustainability Issue Analysis Map" to help us understand new trends and identify the sustainability agendas Recruit Group should prioritize.
The Recruit Group Sustainability Issue Analysis Map consists of quadrants that represent the four phases of issue recognition and legislative arrangements. The vertical axis represents the level of interest NGOs and international organizations show toward a given issue, while the horizontal axis represents the level of interest among organizations assessing sustainability initiatives. The map illustrates how various factors contribute to Recruit Group's understanding of an issue, including shareholder expectations, external surveys on sustainability, major agenda at international conferences, investors' concerns, national and regional legislative movements and regulatory trends.

Critical Sustainability Topics (Material Topics)
In order to formulate its sustainability strategy, by using the "Recruit Group Sustainability Issue Analysis Map" the Company conducted an assessment of positive and/or negative impacts on external stakeholders resulting from our business operations, products and services and/or supply chain to identify critical sustainability topics (Material Topics) that could lead to impacts, risks and opportunities. During this process, we adopted the concept of Double Materiality, assessing critical sustainability topics based on two axes: the Company’s impact on society and the environment (Impact Materiality) and its financial implications for the Company (Financial Materiality).
Step 1: Listing of Sustainability Topics
We compiled a comprehensive and detailed list of sustainability topics for analysis, referencing international and industry standards by external organizations*1.
Step 2: Evaluation of Sustainability Topics
We assessed each of the sustainability topics listed in Step 1, evaluating their impact on society and the environment and financial implications for the Company. In evaluating impact, we considered likelihood and severity (scope, scale and irremediability), and for financial impact, we considered likelihood and monetary impact, scoring each criterion and ranking each sustainability topic based on the overall score. Feedback obtained through engagement with diverse stakeholders such as employees, individual users, NGOs/NPOs and investors informed the scoring. Additionally, we referenced information published by international organizations, NGOs/NPOs, etc., to reflect shifts in societal trends.
Step 3: Identification of Material Topics
In this final step, the CEOs and Executive Vice Presidents in charge of Sustainability for each Strategic Business Unit (SBU) confirmed that the assessment results from Step 2 are aligned with the reality of their respective business. Subsequently, after deliberation by the Sustainability Committee, which includes outside experts, the Board of Directors resolved on the Material Topics.
We conducted the assessment and identification for each Material Topic based on detailed criteria established by external organizations*1.
Recruit Group Material Topics

*1 External organizations references include the European Union's “Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive” (CSRD) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)'s "Sustainability Accounting Standards."
Sustainability Management Structure
Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd. has set up a Sustainability Transformation Department. Group companies carry out sustainability activities based on the "Recruit Group Sustainability Policy"
International Conferences / Stakeholder Dialogues
We participate in major international conferences related to the sustainability domain and hold stakeholder dialogues in order to gain early insights into the expectations held by our stakeholders, who are an increasingly global constituency.
Sustainability Committee
The Sustainability Committee is set up as one of the advisory bodies to the Board of Directors to promote unique sustainability activities that meet the expectations of our stakeholders. Committee meetings are held semi-annually, in principle.
Sustainability Committee
For human rights, which is our material foundation, the following two organizations in Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd. play a central role in promoting and coordinating these activities between the relevant departments at the group companies.
Human Rights Policy
Group Risk Management & Compliance Division
The Group Risk Management & Compliance Division collects information on the theme of human rights related to business and the workplace, responds to requests for consultation and inquiries from group companies, and also carries out educational activities to raise awareness, such as internal training conducted together with the group companies on various human rights themes.
Sustainability Transformation Department
The Sustainability Transformation Department builds strategies for Recruit Group's sustainability agenda and promotes related action plans.