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Internal Controls

Important details of the Company’s internal control policies, procedures, and processes were approved as follows by resolution of the Board of Directors meeting on March 19, 2024.

Measures to Ensure That Directors and Employees of the Company Comply with Laws and Regulations and the Articles of Incorporation in the Execution of Their Duties

Governance Structure

  • A Board of Directors, which must include independent Directors, shall be established at the Company to carry out decision-making on important matters.

  • An Audit and Supervisory Board, which shall include independent Audit and Supervisory Board members, shall be established at the Company. The Company’s Audit and Supervisory Board members shall audit the execution of duties by the Company’s Directors by attending meetings of the Board of Directors and other important meetings and investigating the state of operations and similar matters on the basis of the audit standards established by the Audit and Supervisory Board.

  • The Company shall establish a Nomination and Governance Committee and Compensation Committee, each chaired by an independent Director, to conduct deliberations on the nomination, appointment, evaluation and compensation of the Directors and Senior Vice Presidents.

  • The Company shall dispatch its Directors to each SBU Headquarters, such that the Company’s Directors account for a majority of the Board of Directors of each SBU Headquarters and supervise the management of each SBU Headquarters.

Internal Audit

  • An Internal Audit Department shall be established within the Company, under the direct control of the Representative Director, President and CEO, and shall conduct audits of the Company’s managers, employees, and similar personnel (collectively, “Recruit Affiliated Persons”) and their compliance with laws and regulations, as well as the Articles of Incorporation and company policies.

Code of Ethics and Internal Policies

  • The “Recruit Group Code of Ethics” shall be established and all Recruit Affiliated Persons shall be informed thereof.

  • While giving due consideration to the autonomy and independence of the Company’s subsidiaries, the “Recruit Group Policies” shall be established as shared group-wide policies for Recruit Holdings and its subsidiaries on matters such as decision-making, investment management, finance, human resource management, risk management, and compliance, in order to realize unified group-wide management of the whole Company.

Structure for Compliance

  • The Company shall establish the “Recruit Group Compliance Policy” that sets forth basic policies regarding compliance. The Company’s Board of Directors shall appoint an individual with ultimate responsibility for compliance, establish a department in charge of compliance, make decisions on basic group-wide compliance policies, and monitor the effectiveness of the compliance measures. The Representative Director, President and CEO, shall convene and serve as chairperson of the Compliance Committee and shall evaluate the effectiveness of each SBU’s compliance program and make decisions on the group-wide compliance plan at the Business Strategy Meeting.

  • The Board of Directors of each SBU Headquarters shall appoint an individual with ultimate responsibility for compliance at the SBU, make decisions on the SBU’s basic compliance policies, and monitor the effectiveness of the SBU’s compliance measures. The CEO of each SBU Headquarters shall convene and serve as chairperson of the Compliance Committee for the SBU and shall evaluate the effectiveness of the SBU’s compliance and make decisions on and inspections of the SBU Headquarters’ operational plans.

  • The CEO of each subsidiary of the Company shall appoint an individual with ultimate responsibility for compliance at the subsidiary, evaluate the effectiveness, and make decisions on and inspections of the subsidiary’s operational plans of its compliance.

Whistleblowing Policy

  • The Holding Company and its subsidiaries shall establish measures, including reporting hotlines for harassment and/or illegal or other improper behavior, to promptly transmit information to the applicable department in charge of compliance within the Company or the relevant subsidiary, in the event that a Recruit Affiliated Person discovers a potential issue related to internal controls. The department in charge of compliance that receives the report shall promptly and thoroughly investigate the matter, decide on response measures in consultation with the related departments, and implement appropriate response measures.


  • The Holding Company and its subsidiaries shall plan and conduct necessary training for Recruit Affiliated Persons to ensure compliance with the “Recruit Group Code of Ethics” and internal policies.

Disciplinary Actions

  • In the event that a violation of laws, regulations, internal policies, or other compliance rules is discovered, the Holding Company and its subsidiaries shall impose strict measures against any Recruit Affiliated Persons involved in such violation.

Preventing All Relationships with Anti-Social Forces

  • The Holding Company and its subsidiaries shall establish procedures to prevent all relationships, including business relationships, with anti-social forces, as defined by the Japanese government.

Policies and Procedures concerning Retention and Management of Information regarding the Execution of Duties by the Company’s Directors

  • The Holding Company shall establish the “Documents and Contracts Management Policy,” providing for the creation and retention of documents and materials related to Directors’ execution of their duties, including documents such as the minutes of Annual Meetings of Shareholders, meetings of the Board of Directors, and Business Strategy Meetings.

  • The length of time of, and department responsible for, the retention of the documents described in the previous paragraph shall be as set forth in the “Documents and Contracts Management Policy.” Documents shall be retained in a manner that allows them to be viewed upon request by Recruit Holdings’ Directors and Audit and Supervisory Board members.

Internal Policies and Other Measures concerning Management of Risk of Loss

  • The Company shall establish the “Recruit Group Risk Management Policy” and “Recruit Group Risk Escalation Rules” to provide comprehensive, group-wide risk management.

  • The Company’s Board of Directors shall appoint an individual with ultimate responsibility for group-wide risk management, establish a department in charge of risk management, and make decisions on the basic policies regarding, and monitor the status of, the Company’s risk management. In addition, the Risk Management Committee, chaired by the Director responsible for group-wide risk management, shall monitor risk management within each SBU and identify risks. Based on the results of these committee meetings, the Business Strategy Meeting shall identify and determine risks requiring particular attention at the group level and discuss measures to mitigate such risks.

  • The Board of Directors of each SBU Headquarters shall appoint an individual with ultimate responsibility for risk management at the SBU and make decisions on basic policies regarding, and monitor the status of, the SBU’s risk management. In addition, through the SBU Risk Management Committee attended by those responsible for the respective management functions of each SBU Headquarters, the Board of Directors of each SBU Headquarters shall monitor the status of risk management at each SBU as well as identify and determine the risks deserving of particular attention.

  • The CEO of each of the Company’s subsidiaries shall be ultimately responsible for risk management at the subsidiary and shall appoint an individual to oversee risk management at the subsidiary, identify risks for the subsidiary and determine the significance of such risks.

  • If a serious incident occurs that may affect the Company as a whole, the Company shall establish a crisis management task force to address the situation.

Measures to Ensure the Efficient Execution of Duties by the Company’s Directors and Its Subsidiaries

  • The Company’s Board of Directors or the Business Strategy Meeting shall set group-wide management targets for the Company and shall make these targets widely known within the Company as a whole, while also setting specific targets to be achieved by each function of the Company in order to achieve the group-wide targets. The Company’s Senior Vice Presidents in charge of each function shall determine and execute efficient methods of achieving these targets.

  • The Company’s Board of Directors shall regularly review the Company’s progress in achieving these targets and, by promoting improvements such as eliminating or reducing factors that impede efficiency and increase the likelihood of achieving the targets.

  • The Company shall establish a Business Strategy Meeting as an advisory body to the CEO and shall carry out discussions on necessary matters regarding management of the Company as a whole.

  • In addition, expert committees such as the Sustainability Committee shall be set up as advisory bodies to the Company’s Board of Directors or the Business Strategy Meeting.

Policies and Procedures to Ensure the Reliability of Internal Controls for Financial Reporting

  • The Company shall establish the “J-SOX General Policy,” the policy for the Japanese regulatory framework similar to Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), and a system of internal control for financial reporting based on the internal control reporting system described in the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of Japan.

Policies and Procedures concerning Reporting to the Holding Company regarding the Execution of Duties by Subsidiaries’ Directors and Similar Persons

  • The Holding Company shall establish internal divisions to oversee each SBU. Based on requests from such oversight divisions, Directors of the subsidiaries shall regularly report their business results and the status of implementation of their business strategies to their respective oversight divisions.

  • The Holding Company and SBU Headquarters shall share information regarding their management activities on a regular basis, and discuss management policies, as needed.

  • The Company shall establish the “Group Management Policy of the Recruit Group” and require the Company’s subsidiaries to obtain approval of the Holding Company regarding important issues and make a prior confirmation with or subsequent report to the relevant departments of the Company.

Matters concerning Appointment of Employees to Assist Audit and Supervisory Board Members in Their Audit Duties

  • The Company shall appoint one or more persons as “Assistants to support the Company’s Audit and Supervisory Board members” (“Assistants”) and make an official announcement of the appointment.

Matters relating to Ensuring the Independence of Employees from the Company’s Directors Described in the Preceding Item and the Effectiveness of Instructions Given to the Employees

  • Assistants shall only follow the directions provided by the Audit and Supervisory Board members in supporting their duties. The opinions of the Audit and Supervisory Board members and the Audit and Supervisory Board shall be respected with regard to the appointment, transfer, evaluation, and discipline of these Assistants.

Procedures concerning Reports to the Company’s Audit and Supervisory Board Members

  • Recruit Affiliated Persons and the Company’s Independent Auditor shall report to the applicable Audit and Supervisory Board members of the Company on the matters set forth below. Measures shall be put in place to allow for reporting in a timely manner by means of meetings, interviews, telephone, email, and similar methods.

    • Material matters regarding business management

    • Matters that have the potential to cause significant loss to the Company

    • Material matters regarding internal auditing and risk management

    • Material violations of laws, regulations, or the Articles of Incorporation

    • Any other material matters regarding internal controls

  • The Company’s Audit and Supervisory Board members and the Internal Audit Department shall cooperate with the Directors and Audit and Supervisory Board members of each SBU Headquarters and its subsidiaries as needed and share information on a regular basis.

Measures to Ensure That Individuals Reporting on Matters Described in the Preceding Item Are Not Unfavorably Treated on the Basis of Such Reporting

  • The Company shall establish the “Recruit Group Compliance Policy” under which any individual who has made a report described in the preceding item may not be subjected to unfavorable treatment such as dismissal, unjustified transfer, or similar measures due to him or her reporting such matters in good faith.

Matters relating to Policies concerning Procedures for Making Advance Payments or Reimbursements of Expenses Incurred in Connection with the Execution of Duties by the Company’s Audit and Supervisory Board Members and Treatment of Other Expenses or Obligations Associated with the Execution of Duties by These Members

  • The Company shall bear the costs of the budget requested in advance by the Audit and Supervisory Board members for expenses necessary to execute their duties. In addition, the Company’s Audit and Supervisory Board members may request payment from the Company of expenses incurred in urgent or unexpected circumstances, and the Company shall bear such costs.

Other Measures to Ensure the Effectiveness of Audits by Audit and Supervisory Board Members

  • The Company’s Audit and Supervisory Board members and Audit and Supervisory Board shall hold regular meetings to exchange opinions with the Representative Director, President and CEO and with the Company’s Independent Auditor, respectively.