On December 18th, 2018, the "Second Town Hall Meeting", organized by the Recruit Holdings Sustainability Promotion Department, was held in the staff canteen on the 41st floor of the head office. The town hall meeting is a part of the sustainability management's Sustainability Orbit which is promoted by the Sustainability Promotion Department, and is a place where executives and employees can freely discuss various topics. Recruit Holdings Board Director Shogo Ikeuchi attended the meeting. There was a discussion on the topic of Recruit Group's management philosophy "BET ON PASSION". Around 50 employees joined in the discussion, including online participants.
There was Qu'il fait bon seasonal tart, which had been popular at the previous meeting, and cookies decorated with the logo of SDGs that Recruit Group is focusing its efforts on. Employees of different companies and missions talked about how it gave them an opportunity to reflect on the sense of identity of the Recruit Group. There was lively conversation and Mr. Ikeuchi was asked a great many questions.
* SDGs = Sustainable Development Goals, stated in "Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" that was adopted at the "United Nations Sustainable Development Summit" held at the UN Headquarters in New York from September 25th to 27th, 2015.

Facilitators: Sustainability Promotion Department Partners Kazuo Tase and Aya Ito
1. About town hall meetings
2. Annual Report and introduction of the topic of the meeting
3. Four employees sharing their experiences of "BET ON PASSION"
4. Introduction of the meeting's sweets
5. Group discussion and sharing the results
6. Feedback from panelists
7. Q&A session with Mr. Ikeuchi
8. Closing
In a post-meeting questionnaire, 90% of people said they understood more about "BET ON PASSION" than they did before the meeting, and 97% said they would attend the next one. Mr. Ikeuchi commented "I felt how important it is to have more opportunities to talk to employees face-to-face".
Going forward, Recruit Group will hold regular discussions with employees, as company stakeholders, create a place that promotes understanding of Recruit Group sustainability and continue giving feedback to management.