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Our People

Commitment to Our People

Women's Representation in Leadership

Achieve 50% women in senior executives by FY2030, up from 10% in FY2021, and also achieve 50% women in managers by FY2030,  up from 39% in FY2021.

Achieving gender parity among senior executives, those in managerial positions, and total employees by FY2030 at Recruit Group*2.

Betting on the passion and ideas of our employees has long been our competitive advantage. This is why our leadership team continues to prioritize a diverse, equitable and inclusive workforce that enables everyone to thrive and drives innovation. We are focusing on diversifying our management by setting a group-wide goal for greater gender diversity.

Achieve 50% women in senior executives by FY2030, up from 10% in FY2021, and also achieve 50% women in managers by FY2030,  up from 39% in FY2021.

Value Creation Cycle

It Always Starts from Within

The diversity of Recruit Group's employees has been the source of our value creation from the very beginning. When all of our employees are empowered to foster their passions, they will be motivated to invent innovative ways to better support our users as well as the society they live in. When users and business clients are happy with our products and services, our businesses can succeed, and we can then share the success with shareholders. We believe that we can sustainably grow our corporate value when we prosper together with all of our stakeholders.

Learn more about Recruit Group Human Resources Management

A diagram of Recruit Group’s value creation cycle. We believe that if our diverse employees continue to create products and services that users and customers love, our business will grow sustainably and we will be able to return profits to shareholders, which will lead to further investment in products and services.

Progress in FY2023

Accelerating Our Efforts by Setting a Three-Year Target*3

We are working toward a group-wide commitment to increase the representation of women across the company by setting a three-year target*3 as a milestone toward FY2030. To achieve the target, each Strategic Business Unit (SBU) worked to expand the pool of management candidates in FY2023 by providing employees opportunities to expand their capacity and skills.

To further accelerate our efforts, the achievement of our three-year women's representation targets is linked to a portion of long-term incentive compensation*4 for the executive directors and senior vice presidents, who are responsible for driving and realizing our environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals.

A figure showing the three-year target. The percentage of women among employees has remained at approximately 50% since FY2021, the base year. The percentage among managers was 39% in FY2023 compared to the goal of 41%. The percentage among senior management improved from 10% in the base year of FY2021 to 27% in FY2023, compared to a target of 28%.

Our Efforts in the Business toward Achieving Gender Parity across the Group

Each SBU is working to break through its unique challenges to accelerate Recruit Group’s journey toward achieving gender parity by FY2030. The status and challenges to increase the percentage of women managers vary by each SBU.

As shown in the figure below, Staffing SBU has already achieved a 50% ratio of women among all employees and in managerial positions, and the only remaining challenge is in senior management positions. On the other hand, Matching & Solutions SBU and HR Technology SBU are still in the process of realizing their targets for managerial positions. They are planning and implementing measures in line with their respective environment and challenges.

Percentage of Women at Each Employee Level by SBU

A figure showing the percentage of women managers by SBU. In terms of managers, both Matching & Solutions SBU and HR Technology SBU are in the 30% range relative to a target of 50%, and for senior executives, Matching & Solutions SBU is at 9% relative to a target of 50%.

*As of April 2024

Our Efforts toward Realizing Gender Parity

Leadership groups from each SBU are working to breakthrough their unique challenges posed by their respective business models and regional characteristics to accelerate Recruit Group’s journey toward realizing gender parity by FY2030.

Learn more about our initiative

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) at Recruit Group

We are promoting DEI in Recruit Group from various perspectives.

Learn more about our initiatives

Toward a Gender-Equal World

Together with global change makers, Recruit Group is accelerating its efforts to transform not only itself, but society as a whole.

Learn more about our initiative

Our Latest DEI Efforts

Learn more about our latest DEI efforts on our corporate blog “Inside Out”.

Read Inside Out: DEI articles

  1. On this webpage, the number of years stated are reflective of the number of Recruit Holdings fiscal years, which begin on April 1 each year and end March 31 of the following year. All figures displayed here are approximate.
  2. Senior executive positions are defined as Senior Vice Presidents and Corporate Officers of Recruit Holdings and Matching & Solutions SBU, and CEOs of the Company's major subsidiaries and heads of key functions in the HR Technology and Staffing SBUs. Figures for managerial positions and employees are calculated from Recruit Holdings, SBU Headquarters and the primary operating companies of each SBU. Managerial positions mean those that have subordinate employees.
  3. The women representation target for employees is based on the results from April 1, 2022 to April 1, 2025.
  4. Compensation based on sustainability target achievements is set as a part of BIP trust (stock) compensation. Eligibility to receive this award and the payout amount will depend on whether or not the three-year target is achieved.